Global chemical manufacturer desired to explore the opportunity across multiple municipal and industrial sectors

Client description: Global chemical manufacturer

Practice area: Market Research and Analysis, Strategic Positioning and Planning

Geographic scope: US

Industries involved: Chemicals, water & wastewater, agricultural, food processing, materials manufacturing, power generation, oil & gas, marine manufacturing

Services applied: Market opportunity study; competitive intelligence; go-to-market strategy

Business challenge: Client needed help identifying the market opportunity and developing targeted market strategies to achieve the desired levels of growth in the municipal water & wastewater and industrial/agricultural sectors. Geo Strategy Partners was asked to help with providing insights, analysis and strategic advisory services.

Methodologies: Secondary research targeted at competitive intelligence, the regulatory environment and market sizing factors. Primary research included 210 qualitative IDIs with respondents from municipalities, industrial/agricultural targets, regulatory & state/federal agencies, distributors and competitors; as well as an online quantitative survey with 538 respondents. Because of the complexity of the study, we conducted an additional 40 follow-up phone calls with respondents and more than 80 other interviews to ensure we had a full understanding of the information and situation. We developed a market sizing model that combined numerous variables and inputs gathered from secondary and primary research which provided a market sizing estimate based on the current size of the industry segment, ease of entry and projected future growth opportunities.

The result: Client received a detailed report covering Voice of the Customer insights, analysis of the competitive landscape and regulatory environment, identification of potential partners and market characteristics and sizing. Additionally, the client received an informational database on municipalities around the country and a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) market map for use in the implementation of their go-to-market strategy. Also, included was a comprehensive analysis of the regulatory landscape and potential barriers and opportunities. As a final step, Geo Strategy Partners facilitated a strategic planning session to develop targeted market strategies to exploit the opportunities identified in the research.