Spherical roller bearing manufacturer needed help identifying and sizing the market opportunity in the pulp & paper Industry in order to make decisions about future investments and develop a go-to-market strategy

Client description: A global roller bearing manufacturer

Practice area: Market Research and Analysis

Geographic scope: North America, South America, Europe, Asia

Industries involved: Manufacturing, pulp & paper, metals, MRO services

Services applied: Market opportunity study; go-to-market strategy; industry analysis; acquisition market diligence; multi-country study

Business challenge: Global roller bearing manufacturer needed to identify and size up the opportunity for spherical roller bearings in the pulp & paper industry in order to make a decision about the investment of resources into this sector. They also required customer insights and competitive intelligence to develop a go-to-market strategy. Finally, they charged Geo Strategy Partner with identifying suitable acquisition partners that could accelerate their market penetration.

Methodologies: Over 300 qualitative interviews with customers, lost customers, potential customers, competitors, MRO providers, and supply chain partners, ethnographic visits, and extensive secondary research and market modeling.

The result: Our comprehensive market report included recommendations for a go-to-market strategy; a profile of ancillary businesses that could be acquired, a proprietary market sizing model, a database of target customers, a summary of unmet needs, and a comprehensive competitive analysis. The client made the decision to invest the necessary resources into this market sector, followed through on some of our acquisition recommendations, and developed a value-based marketing and pricing model for predictive maintenance built on customer insights.