Glove manufacturer needed to update their knowledge of customer needs, preferences, and buying behavior related to chemical protection in North American and Europe

Client description: Global glove manufacturer

Practice area: Market Research and Analysis

Geographic scope: US and Europe (Germany)

Industries involved: Personal protection equipment, chemical manufacturing and processing

Services applied: Voice of the Customer (unmet user needs study); competitive intelligence

Business challenge: Glove manufacturing company needed to understand the unmet user needs and gatekeeper purchasing preferences of chemical glove users and buying behavior of gatekeepers.

Methodologies: We conducted 25 in-depth-interviews (IDIs) with gatekeepers in both the US and Europe, and held 3 focus groups (2 in the US and 1 in Germany) with glove end-users. Additionally, we conducted a quantitative survey with end-users in both Europe and the US to measure stated and derived decision-drivers, unmet needs, and competitive attributes.

The result: We provided the client with a thorough understanding of glove end-user unmet needs by segment within the chemical manufacturing market in the US and Europe as well as the path to purchase and critical decision drivers. Surprising to all, we uncovered some key unexploited underserved needs in this relatively mature industry. From these insights, the client was able to make product R & D decisions, as well as refine their marketing strategy and approach for this market.