Global aluminum manufacturer needed to assess the market potential and develop a go-to-market strategy for the consumer electronics market

Client description: A global aluminum manufacturer

Practice area: Market Research and Analysis; Strategic Positioning and Planning

Geographic scope: US, Canada, UK, Germany, China

Industries involved: Metals, consumer electronics

Services applied: Market opportunity study; go-to-market strategy; multi-country study

Business challenge: Global aluminum manufacturer needed to assess the market potential and develop a go-to-market strategy to convince consumer electronics OEMs to adopt aluminum for product casings.

Methodologies: Online quantitative survey of 400 decision-makers at consumer electronics companies in North America, Asia, and Europe; 30 qualitative IDIs with casing manufacturers; and data analytics of stated vs. derived customer preferences and brand battlegrounds between aluminum and composite materials.

The result: A comprehensive report of findings; cross-tabs, banners, charts and graphs for quantitative results, scatter plots of “stated vs. derived” and “battleground” analytics, “correspondence mapping,” “inner strength charts;” qualitative summary and qualitative transcripts. The insights illuminated the path for a go-to-market product strategy including recommendations for stimulating early adoption.